Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Secondary education

Secondary education
Secondary education is a gateway to the opportunities and benefits of economic and social development. Demand for access to higher levels of education is growing dramatically as countries approach universal primary education.  The global Education For All (EFA) effort provides added momentum for the growth in secondary education.  Furthermore, globalization and the increasing demand for a more sophisticated labor force, combined with the growth of knowledge-based economies gives a sense of urgency to the heightened demand for secondary education.

in today’s world, secondary education has a vital mission - one which combines the policy peculiarities of being at the same time terminal and preparatory, compulsory and post-compulsory, uniform and diverse, general and vocational. Secondary education is now being recognized as the cornerstone of educational systems in the 21st century.  Quality secondary education is indispensable in creating a bright future for individuals and nations alike.
Since World Bank lending for education began in 1963, the Bank has played a prominent role in assisting developing countries in their efforts to expand secondary education and to improve the quality of institutions and programs.
Over the past two decades the Bank has advocated lending for secondary education mainly in countries that have already achieved universal access to primary schooling.  The Bank recommended cost recovery accompanied by selective scholarship schemes, and the encouragement of private and community schools to improve quality and efficiency in education through competition.  Based on its experience in many countries, the Bank has advocated for a more holistic approach to secondary education, rather than one which focuses on vocational education.
In countries with high secondary education enrollments, Bank interventions have focused on (a) improving employability and productivity of school leavers through support to vocational secondary schools and (b) increasing country competitiveness by improving the quality of general secondary education to raise the overall productivity and trainability of the labor force.  In countries with low secondary education enrollment, Bank projects have focused on (a) meeting specific shortages of educated manpower in the public and private sectors by raising secondary school completion rates and (b) improving the social conditions of the poor and reducing inequality by expanding access to secondary education.
What has the World Bank identified as the most promising directions for the development of secondary education?
There is no question that secondary education has a key role to play in the social, economic, and human capital development of countries around the world.  The task before today’s societies is to transform secondary education institutions and current schooling practices to align them with the demands of a globalized and technology-driven world.  Policymakers and educators must address the twin challenges of increasing “access to” and “quality and relevance of” secondary education for all young people.  And, secondary education systems everywhere will need to be more flexible, relevant, and responsive to both local needs and the global environment in the 21st century
Secondary education
 Secondary education
Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
 Secondary education
          The growing demand for secondary education
Secondary Education Board employee office inaugurated today

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